
Sabah Forestry Department

We Aim To Be The Best

Guidelines- Registration as timber products exporters / importers / timber suppliers for export & jetty operators for loading & unloading of timber products.

Effective 1st June 2016, the Sabah Forestry Department has implemented the Forest (Timber) Enactment 2015, a new law to cover for the registration of timber products exporters, timber products importers, timber suppliers for export and jetty operators operating jetties for loading and unloading of timber products, following the transfer of the power to issue export and import licences for timber products from the Malaysian Timber Board (MTIB) to the Sabah Forestry Department. The principal law is supplemented by the Forest (Timber)(Registration) Regulations 2017 and the Forest (Timber) (Compounding of Offences) 2017.

Following the implementation of the new law, the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) has implemented the following:

  1. No more issuance of "old export licence"  by SFD.
  2. No more Importer Contractor Certificate issued by SFD.
  3. No more Mill Contractor Certificate for companies operating own mill (if supplying timber for export).However, companies renting mills from others with approval from the Chief Conservator of Forests still need to obtain a Mill Contractor Certificate.
  4. Effective 1/6/2017, the Sabah Forestry Department will be issuing separate registration certificate for timber products exporters, timber products importers, timber products suppliers for export and jetty operators for jetties used for loading and unloading of timber products (One activity, one Certificate).
  5. The Sabah Forestry Department will continue to recognise similar certificates issued by MTIB prior to 01/6/2017 which are still valid until the expiry ofthe certificates. Similar recognition will be accorded to Sabah Forestry Department's export licences/Importers Contractor Certificate/Mill Contractor Certificate which are still valid.
  6. During  the  "transition  period",  for  ease  of  monitoring  and  to  avoid  payment  of unnecessary   fees,  the  Sabah  Forestry   Department   will  be  issuing  a  "Certificate of Recognition During The Transition Period" to all companies that have been registered with MTIB and Sabah Forestry Department with valid certificates/Contractor Certificate/Export    Licence.   Through   that   "Recognition   Certificate",   companies   are deemed to have registered under Section 50(2) of the Forest (Timber) Enactment 2015 and they are subject to compliance of the requirements of the Forest (Timber) Enactment 2015. The validity of registration under that certificate will be determined by any of the validity dates of the MTIB Certificates and Sabah Forestry Department's export licence/Contractors Certificate that will expire later (either one) which is stated in the certificate. Companies are to register with the Sabah Forestry Department 60 days before the expiry of the expiry of existing registration certificates/export licence/Contractors Certificate or the accepted expiry date as in the "Certificate of Recognition During The Transition Period".
  7. Registration as jetty operators will only be enforced on 1 January 2018 and all new registration will be processed upon meeting the Customs Department's and the Sabah Ports Authority's  requirements.
Sabah  Forestry  Department's  Circular  on  the  transfer  of  licensing  power  to  various stakeholders have been circulated to all stakeholders.

Applicants for new registration and renewals of certificates as exporters/importers/timber suppliers/jetty operators may refer to the guidelines and application forms that have been prepared. Applicable fees and timber products codes relevant to the respective activities being applied shall be  referred to during the application process.